Friday, October 24, 2008

God Hates Gays? What Of Straying Sheep?

In response to Hernando Today’s Guest Column of October 23rd, “Amendment 2 Won’t Correct Genetic Anomaly; Vote ‘No’”, an on-line opinion espoused, “You should know God hates Gays!!”

God hates Gays?

The comment deserves to be worded as "god HATES gays". It's a very small god that embraces hate in a world created by Him.

Supporters of Amendment 2 are unable to articulate anything other than what’s been expressed time and again by every like-minded conservative extremist. They go around in circles to avoid addressing the affects that the passage of Amendment 2 will have on all partners of domestic nature.

"You have the same freedom to marry, etc that all Floridians do" ... is a trumpet song from the ultra-conservative that says it's okay for a gay man and a gay woman to wed and do as they may... perhaps consummate the holy matrimony to have a baby, or adopt an infant, and raise the child as they will... with each of them having their own same sex partner. Very communal.

Homosexuals do not make attempts to force their lifestyle on anyone; they are not
homogeneous to their lifestyle. They are more astute to an individual's needs than are most legally married/divorced non-gays. Gay parents can impress upon their young to consider all viewpoints on religion and politics, which don't mix any better than oil and vinegar, unless the far right shakes 'em up in a frenzy, giving the concoction an appearance of legitimacy when in fact it's an act of collusion.

Because of being chastised and, gays are more astute to giving a more rounded view of the different classes of people and their beliefs that would otherwise be impressed upon them by partisan minds. Gays have broader insights on social awareness than most other minority groups.

There's much more riff raff in traditional marriages than domestic partnerships, putting children at a disadvantage to learning skills and dropping out of school, thus society, than others.

Amendment 2 isn't just about a man and a woman and marriage

Conservatives demand rights to the unborn living, but what of the undead living in poverty, starved for love and nourishment, in poor health with no means to care for life-threatening ailments, abused by health care professionals and ignored by society?The politics of government assures that bureaucracy will continue to leave millions without medical, and mental, treatments thus wasting taxpayer money. Neither presidential candidate can afford taxpayers the medical bills necessary to provide effective health care to every American.

"True believers", as they may call themselves, should become noble saviors to the unfortunate.

They got the moneyThe Church is very rich. It's virtually impossible to find information on the figures that represent the worth of religious groups, although it's easily imagined that it amounts to trillions of dollars.

A Boston Cardinal's home on a 60-acre urban site with a chancery and a seminary is worth $130,000,000.

The Boston Diocese owns a $31,000,000 television station.

The 75-acre estate at the Aldrich Mansion and owned by the Boston Diocese is valued at
$22,000,000. It's rented out for parties.

The Detroit Diocese owns a golf course and conference center: $18,000,000.

A Chicago Cardinal's home is worth $10,000,000.

These are just a few examples of the assets held by the little guys within the Catholic Church. It must be chump change to the riches held by the Vatican and the amounts of money held by other denominational churches.

Give, give, give then give some more

A tithing increase to 15 to 20% could provide massive funds toward saving souls. Love and charity comes from where the money rolls. Yet, Christians only give about 2.5% of their income to churches, not the recommended 10% gratuity. Up the ante for goodwill toward all destitute men, women and children! What value are parishioners willing to place on their salvation toward the betterment of their fellow men, women and children?When faithful followers ask questions about tithing, the pastor will likely avoid the issue. Or, as can also happen, a wife may seek guidance on tithing because a meager salary of less than $6.00 per hour isn't enough to raise a child and provide insulin to her gravely ill husband.

A response unbecoming of spiritual guidance often leads to scripture Malachi 3:10: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse … and test me now in this, says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows."The holy man told the woman that she would be cursed without tithing. His words meant for her to hand over dollars, leaving pennies in her hand. A forsaken soul, a lost parishioner.

Churches pay out the dough for litigation, don't you know?

The poor man's contributions have, for years, been used in sex abuse settlements.

The Diocese of St. George sold assets toward a $14 million settlement for the abuse of boys by Rev. Kevin Bennett.

A $7.89M settlement with 15 men was rendered for the sexual abuses of Rev. James McGreal of the Archdiocese of Seattle over a 20-year period. He had served in 10 parishes and 2 Catholic hospitals during that period of time. Of the settlement, $6.89 million was covered by with five insurance carriers and the remainder came from the archdiocese self-insurance program.

In 2003, the Boston Archdiocese paid out a whopping $85M to 552 people sexually abused by clergy. This was the largest settlement in history but by the end of 2002 the church had already paid out over $100M.

In December 2002, Pope John Paul II accepted the resignation of Cardinal Bernard F. Law. Although he hadn't been involved in the abuses, Law admitted his failure at protecting the young and innocent. Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation.

By the end of 2002, over 1200 priests were accused of sexual abuse in the United States. Many of the abused began in the 1940's. Multiply 1200 priests x 62 years = way too many criminal abuses on way too many children's lives, over 70-thousand per year... minimum.

The morals of The Church are always in question. Their deeds are good but only when done for the good of all. The Church has squandered its charitable contributions and poorly distributed them. It has led the most innocent astray and rewarded it’s sinful ministries with freedom to once again pursue.

Estimates put the cost to the Catholic Church in 2002 at $1.5B!

The passage of Amendment 2 will see throngs of lawyers in love with the hourly rates for a lengthy period of more litigation. With moneys that should be spent resolving the sad affairs of destitute people, which is apparently of less concern to The Church.

Everybody looses

In 2003, the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, paid out over $30M in settlements and legal and medical bills. Some had called for the resignation of Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly who had kept priests in the ministry even though he was aware they had abused minors. Cover-ups and reassignments kept these deeds hidden for decades.

One parishioner, Cathy Stone, then 78, commented on Kelly, "I think the good he's done outweighs the things he let slide. Nobody is perfect." How forgiving of her.

A total of 243 plaintiffs, mostly men, had endured childhoods that left them emotionally scarred. Many of the abuses had occurred in the 1940's before parishes began carrying litigation insurance so the settlement came from church funds, affecting charities, soup kitchens for the hungry and poor, the deaf, those with drug addiction, and the homeless.

How forgiving of Cathy Stone, indeed. Archbishop Kelly left the church in 2007 for retirement.

“Homosexuals are an abomination!” No more so than are predators within The Church and those who lied under God’s temples in denial of these sins.

These crimes aren't exclusive to the Catholic Church but the fortunes spent on litigation rather than toward social consciousness are enormous. The worth of organized religion is unknown. Annual statements aren’t shared - this may be the only example of separation of Church and State.

The world of religion has wealth in trillions upon trillions of dollars. Perhaps godzillions?

The right remains speechless

Those in favor of Amendment 2 continue to ignore questions and comments that put their moral standards on the grandstand of judgment, just as they judge others.

There is still the question as to how determined the religious right is willing to express their dislike of gays. What of companies that provide domestic partner coverage? Do religious convictions become less ethereal when earthly needs and desires override beliefs? Will the truly devout embrace their creed and forsake giving legitimacy to businesses that provide corporate-enforced recognition of homosexual behavior and give benefits to heterosexuals living outside the sanctity of marriage?Or will they stand by with no conviction? Pick and choose as they will, it is they who will surely continue to give-in to the temptation of material goods and services, regardless the source of religious contempt.

What of neighbors, friends, relatives and businesses that have gay members within their realm of acceptance? Are they treated with contempt, as are the targets of their hatred?

What if same-sex marriages were legal, which they aren't? Would those couples be a threat to the unions of the accepted definition of holy matrimony? It's entirely possible that gay marriages would have fewer divorce rates. For sure, there would be no higher infidelity amoung their numbers.

Just as with politicians, the religious tend to skirt the issues, an apparel not in my wardrobe.

Getting’ down to the skivvies

Amendment 2 is much more than just about banning marriage of same-sex, domestic partner or any two people dependent upon one another, including elderly couples. The unintended aftermath of passage of the Amendment will put into jeopardy the health and well-being of countless men, women and children.

The Amendment brings into question the role that The Church is willing to take for those desperately in need, not just those who have wants in their own denominations. Can organized religion uphold the integrity of God through good will toward all men and women?

People shouldn't have to beg, plead or cry to Heaven when this Earthly life treads hard on their souls.

To paraphrase a statement that most of us heard in our youth, If the Church spent as much time and money as it does to goad people into voting Yes on Amendment 2, millions of people would be much better off than they are.

God hates gays? God does not hate. Man hates. Man is not god.

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